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Multiply the impact of your sharing ministry by helping others become members of the League. These banner ads were designed to be placed on church, ministry, blogs and other Christian web sites. We've made it easy. You can even track the results in your ministry progress profile tab!
Preview thumbnails shown below of some banners are cropped to show detail. Click on the image or the Details link to view the entire banner. You must be logged in to view banner detail.
We currently have 0 banner designs available.
Our new automated banner system makes it easy to add a League banner to your website or blog. Just find a banner you're interested in using.
Click the thumbnail image or the "Details" link to see the entire banner and more information.
Click inside the text area showing the code. It will automatically select all the text in that field.
Choose Edit > Copy from your browser's menu to copy this code to your computer's clipboard.
Go to your HTML editing prgram for your web page and click where you want the banner to appear on your page. Note that you must edit the source code, not the content text.
Choose Edit > Paste to paste the HTML code into that spot.
Save your file and upload your new code to your server. The banner will now appear!
Important: Flash banners cannot be used on many community web portals, such as MySpace, because of security limitations. Please use a static image banner if the Flash banners don't work.
To track the results, log into the League web site and click the link marked "Edit Profile" which appears at the top of every page of the site, next to your name. Click the tab on the right marked "View MInistry Progress" and you'll see a heading for your banner statistics. Shown will be the number of clicks (unique IP addresses) and the number of signups that resulted. A separate line appears for each active banner you have running, so use more than one if you wish!
La Liga de Testamento de Bolsillo es un ministerio cristiano de evangelismo de 125 años de antigüedad que promueve la lectura de la Escritura y el evangelismo personal.
Inspirado por la visión de una niña adolescente en 1893, unos 25,991 miembros de varias denominaciones cristianas se han puesto de acuerdo en "Leer, Llevar, Compartir®" la Biblia como la Palabra de Dios, y han entregado más de 110 millones de libros del Evangelio de Juan en simples encuentros uno-a-uno. La Liga de Testamento de Bolsillo es una organización sin fines de lucro 501(c)3. Lee más...
Motivando y equipando Cristianos para Leer, Llevar y Compartir la Palabra de Dios desde 1893.
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