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Chances are, you've got something in your pocket right now. Is it your keys? Wallet? Small change? Wouldn't it be more exciting if you filled your pocket with the power of God's Word and used it to change someone's life?
Since 1893, members of The Pocket Testament League have made it a goal of their life to Read, Carry and Share the Word of God. There are currently 25,735 members of the League. They enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that they are effectively sharing their faith and growing in their relationship with God.
As a League member, you will deepen your knowledge of the Bible. You'll learn to share your faith. We make available Gospels you can order to give away as gifts in friendly one-on-one encounters as God provides opportunities to share His Word with others. More than 110 million Gospels have been given away by people just like you, in everyday sharing situations.
To become a member, just visit our signup page.
Members can order a variety of Gospels every month, especially designed to fit typical settings you might find yourself in. Carry at least one with you at all times, to read when you have a moment. Look for opportunities to offer the Gospel to others as a free gift. You'll be delighted at the response, with most people joyfully accepting your precious gift. We recommend ordering 30 per month and giving away one each day.
As a member, you'll also have special privileges on this site, including the ability to post stories and prayer requests, take part in our innovative, free Evangelism Boot Camp training, sign up for Pocket Devotions, take our innovative video program This Book is Alive and to view the impact of your personal sharing ministry.
The Pocket Testament League has an incredible history of impacting lives around the world since Helen Cadbury's original vision took hold in 1893. Discover more about the work of the League over the years, in our virtual museum
La Liga de Testamento de Bolsillo es un ministerio cristiano de evangelismo de 125 años de antigüedad que promueve la lectura de la Escritura y el evangelismo personal.
Inspirado por la visión de una niña adolescente en 1893, unos 25,735 miembros de varias denominaciones cristianas se han puesto de acuerdo en "Leer, Llevar, Compartir®" la Biblia como la Palabra de Dios, y han entregado más de 110 millones de libros del Evangelio de Juan en simples encuentros uno-a-uno. La Liga de Testamento de Bolsillo es una organización sin fines de lucro 501(c)3. Lee más...
Motivando y equipando Cristianos para Leer, Llevar y Compartir la Palabra de Dios desde 1893.
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