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Our Gospels of John and other printed resources

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English only Translation pending

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Gospel Specs:



New Living Translation

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Gospel Specs:



New Living Translation

About this Gospel:

We want to get together to say thank you to them all.

Millions of people throughout the UK are set to take part in Thank You Day on Sunday 4th July and, as a Member of the Senedd, we would love you to get involved.

Thank You Day, an idea which was started by 13 individuals and is now supported by hundreds of organisations from the Scouts and Guides to the Rotary, the Royal Voluntary Service and the NHS.

The day before the NHS' birthday, it is the perfect opportunity to say thank you to everyone who deserves it and celebrate the spirit that has got us through the pandemic so far. Given delays to lockdown restrictions easing, this spirit will be needed all the more over the coming weeks.

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